
‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ Review: No Story, No Problem

A modern movie featuring Godzilla fighting King Kong always seemed like a pipe dream. We’ve seen so many studios try to replicate Marvel’s success by creating their own movie universes and it’s almost always failed. Somehow, Warner Bros. and Legendary were able to pull it off as we finally got “Godzilla vs. Kong.” The road was a bit rocky. “Godzilla (2014),” “Kong: Skull Island” and “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” were all moderately successful but not massive hits.

That’s likely why the studios decided to just go all out for “Godzilla vs. Kong.” The movie is pretty much what you’d expect. It’s two hours of mostly giant monster fighting. However, the film would’ve been better served if it was literally two hours of monster fighting. The story is completely nonsensical and the characters are shockingly boring. Pretty much everything involving humans in this movie makes no sense and feels like it’s just there to pad out the runtime.

Despite all of that, “Godzilla vs. Kong” is a solid time. One thing that’s appreciated about the movie is that we get plenty of Godzilla fighting King Kong. This isn’t like “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice” where we get a five-minute fight between the titular characters in a three-hour movie. We also get a definitive winner by the end of the movie. All the monster action is fun, even though it isn’t anything different than what we’ve seen before. There’s also a really epic plot twist later in the movie for longtime fans of Godzilla.

“Godzilla vs. Kong” is far from a perfect movie. It’s pretty wild how little effort was given concerning the writing of human characters. You almost have to appreciate how little director Adam Wingard cares about developing these stories. However, there’s enough colorful fun to make the movie worth watching. Wingard decided to soak the movie in neon which is a welcome change from the pretty bland lighting in most blockbuster movies. If you’re looking to turn your brain off for two hours, then definitely give this movie a watch.

Verdict: Witness