
‘Witcher 3’ Will Be Getting Free DLC Based on Netflix Show

Announced as part of CD Projekt Red’s first-ever WitcherCon, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be receiving new free DLC inspired by the Netflix show alongside the next-gen upgrade due later this year.

More information about the next-gen upgrade and DLCs will be coming soon, but nothing else has been revealed as of now. It’s important to note that The Witcher 3’s updated cover art indicates that it will include “extra items inspired by the Netflix series,” meaning the DLC won’t be adding new locations or quests. It’s likely that these items will be weapons, armor or other cosmetics as seen in the show–maybe something like Geralt’s armor from the show?

The Witcher 3’s next-gen upgrade, first announced back in September 2020, will bring the critically-acclaimed game to PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S. The upgraded version will bring improvements like ray tracing and faster load times for the base game, both of the expansions, and all extra content released for the game. The upgraded version will be available for PC as well.

While the new DLC might not necessarily justify starting a new playthrough of CD Projekt Red’s award-winning action RPG, it’s still nice to see the game continue to receive attention. After how wildly popular Netflix’s The Witcher show was, it only makes sense that they’d look to incorporate a tie-in for newcomers to the series. If we’re lucky, maybe CD Projekt Red will even add the show’s “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher?”

The release date for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s next-gen upgrade has still yet to be announced, but it is expected to release sometime in the second half of 2021. The upgrade will be free for PC and owners of the current console generation, and a standalone version will be available separately for Xbox Series X/S and PS5.