
Zack Snyder Comments on What Makes DC & Marvel Movies Different

While it’s hard to argue against the fact that Marvel has cracked the code on how to make commercially appealing superhero movies, Zack Snyder has made a concerted effort to differentiate his films. While Marvel movies are funny, bright and colorful, DC movies have been dark and brooding. Some people have taken a liking to how Snyder has approached his superhero movies which is why a Snyder Cut of the “Justice League” will be coming out on March 18th.

Ahead of the big release, the director had a chance to talk about why he approached his DC movies the way that he did.

“It’s obvious I take these characters and their mythology really seriously. I want them to be fully realized as characters, existing in that world,” Snyder told the New York Times. “I don’t think that it’s cool to have fun at their expense. And there was a vision that we had, a complete universe, fully fleshed out, that we really wanted to take all the way. I knew it before BvS, when we made Man of Steel. Marvel is doing something else. They’re doing, at the highest level, this popular action comedy with a heart. And they have that nailed. An effort to duplicate that is insanity because they’re so good at it. What DC had was mythology at an epic level, and we were going to take them on this amazing journey. Frankly, I was the only one saying that.”

Many would argue that Snyder’s attempts to be different from Marvel have back-fired. There’s no doubt that Marvel is making way more money for Disney than DC is for Warner Bros. Regardless, DC has its fans and if the Snyder Cut of the Justice League is a hit, the director could get another shot to tell more DC superhero stories.